Copper Centurion Up for an EPIC eBook Award!

Copper Centurion is up for an EPIC award! Read more inside this blog post!


Good Morning to all my wonderful readers, and Happy Monday! At least, it’s happy for me, because I am very proud to announce that Copper Centurion is up for an Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition eBook Award. My first novel, Brass Legionnaire, won an EPIC award in the spring of 2013. I am extremely pumped for this nomination, especially as the judges are other authors and publishers.


I have always been hesitant about entering many competitions, as sometimes I doubt that it is entirely worth it. But I have to say that I’ve been pleasantly surprised. I took the trip to Portland this last spring to attend the conference and learned a lot. I think such conferences are a wonderful way for self-published authors to network, learn, and share their ideas and knowledge! I heartily recommend everyone go to at least one at some point in their lives! Be sure to visit the EPIC website to learn more about their goals and mission.

Daniel Ottalini – Copper Centurion (Click here to see the full award category and Finalist listing!)



What my Characters do on their Birthdays

A birthday interview of two characters from Brass Legionnaire!

Hi all, Modern Papyrus here, interviewing all your favorite book characters to see what they are up to on their birthday, since they all seem to (strangely enough) have the same birthday!

Julius Brutus Caesar – You know, ever since I’ve joined the legions, I’ve sort of forgotten when it is my birthday because I lost track of time. Oh it is today? I suppose I’ll be doing some guard duty, then perhaps going out to the local tavern. My favorite drink? A good old mug of local beer. Unless it’s that North African stuff. No beer from there please. (Lowers voice conspiratorially) Actually, the centurion over in 6th cohort brews up some ridiculously strong ale. I swear, last time I had a pint I (Censored by order of FCC) and then we all (censored) but then the Tribune showed up and we had to (censored). Now that is a beer any god would be proud of!

Senatora Octavia Pelia – My birthday? Why yes it is thank you. Did you get me anything? An interview? That’s not very considerate of you. Don’t you know I hate interviews?
MP: But you’re a senator, you should love interviews.
OP: And? I greatly dislike them. Waste of time. Anyways, I’ll most likely be enjoying the comforts of home, having a few of my friends over and engaging in a wonderous evening of political talk and chat. Definitely excited to have a few very important guests coming over.
MP: Such as?
OP: Oh you know, head of the Foreign Relations Committee, the Head of the Palace Guard, Legion Commander Appius. It will be a ball!
MP: Any comment on the word that you and the commander are courting.
OP: (Icy Stare)
MP: Nevermind! On to the next interview!

I’ll be interviewing Junior Centurion Gwendyrn and Captain Alexandros, along with everyone’s favorite Legion Commander this week! Have a wonderful day!


Brass Legionnaire is an Ebook Award Finalist!

Brass Legionnaire has been nominated for an eBook Award from the Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition. Read the post to find out more!

Happy Thanksgiving! I have a lot to be thankful for! First and foremost, I just learned that my debut novel, Brass Legionnaire, is a finalist in the Action & Adventure Category for the 2013 eBook Awards. The eBook Awards are done by the Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition, and is one of the very first awards for e-publishing. You can learn more about them here.

It’s a great honor to even be considered for the award. Honestly, when I submitted my novel, I truly never even thought it was going to make it. And at first, I wondered if it was going to be one of those ‘you applied and paid a small entrance fee, and guess what? Everyone’s a winner!’

But it isn’t. I’m one of the top three in an entire category, going up against two other more veteran authors with many books and novels out, including last year’s winner of the same category. Oof!

But like I said, I’m so overwhelmingly excited just to be mentioned. And I’ve decided I’ll be going to EPICon (The annual conference/awards gala) this year just to see what it’s like to be a published author at an event where everyone is involved with publishing in one way or another. The even is in March, so I’ll be able to update you then on what happened!
Plus, I can still hold out hope for an award! And I already know I’ll be submitting Copper Centurion this upcoming year. As always, it never hurts to have a second string in your bow.

Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to eat well and help the cook clean up!